Welcome to my home in Cyberspace!

When you are a bit of a gypsy and not sure where the winds will blow you next, having a home in Cyberspace is a comfort. Glad you stopped by for a visit and hope you'll come by often!

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There was an amber moon tonight. Something unusual. I rode my 3-wheeler after dark thru lampless sections of the road to 7-11 and it caught my eye. Not your usual ethereal moon but a deep orange that seemed almost malevolent. 

On my way out, I met a spotted cat. I have been missing cats so much. This cat came to me and rubbed against my leg. I have been missing that sense of need that gives me so much purpose. I have been missing the many many times I prowled the animal food aisle in search of bargains. So I bought a bag of cat food and plastic bowls to serve it in. 

On my return, there were 2 spotted cats - twins maybe? Funny how things come in threes.

Copyright 2010, TF (teviothome@gmail.com)

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