Welcome to my home in Cyberspace!

When you are a bit of a gypsy and not sure where the winds will blow you next, having a home in Cyberspace is a comfort. Glad you stopped by for a visit and hope you'll come by often!

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What have been your favorite meals in your life? What do you remember?

Thanksgiving turkeys with stuffing. Jano's creamed onions - only once or twice a year. 
 Auntie Monna's "ambrosia" - fruit cocktail and marshmallows.

Christmas hams. Jenny's marzipan. Marilyn's quiches - and Elf's.

Mama Jano's lentils and ham soups at 1 am on the 1st day of the New Year - the culmination of New Year's Parties

Mema Grandma's clam chowder with clams she dug herself
Nantucket blueberries in pancakes with berries we children picked, wearing tin cans on strings around our necks.

Strawberry chablis soup on a steamy hot night in New York City at a jazz bar.

Daddy's Soul of Arabia soup - featured in Yankee Magazine - apricots and so much more.

Tapas at a Spanish bar with an extraordinary olive oil like no other - sitting outdoors in a cafe in Bangkok.

Lobster with Carol Sorgenfrei at the restaurant under a New York bridge - Queensboro maybe.

The best cheesecake in the world - JUNIOR's in Brooklyn when I lived walking distance from there and to BAM

My first glass of wine in a restaurant after ballet studies at La Crepe with Daddy and others from the AMNH - the crepes were good too!

The biggest buffet lunch ever at a hotel on the North Shore of Oahu when we lived (loved and were happy) in Honolulu - my ex biting into a cream-cheese filled crepe and sighing. Meanwhile, surfers were scaling huge waves just outside the window. Did that brunch several times!

Delaney's in Manhattan - an amazing steak as reward for driving across the US with Daddy from Seattle to New York

Most recently, Thai seafood with Mr Pom and Indian curries with Ajarn Steven.

I am sure there are others that may come to mind.

What tastes do you remember?

Copyright 2010, TF (teviothome@gmail.com)

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