Welcome to my home in Cyberspace!

When you are a bit of a gypsy and not sure where the winds will blow you next, having a home in Cyberspace is a comfort. Glad you stopped by for a visit and hope you'll come by often!

Blog Archive



To suss out what is worth the time and effort, that takes some work. 

I am looking forward to chatting with Dr Teik Aun Wong - I need to figure out what to call him publicly - but always good chats whenever we connect. He has a concept: "Wondering and Wandering." Just change the vowel.

Cultural Differences: that's a topic of real interest. What makes Americans uniquely such-and-so? In what ways am I an American? What values, principles, ideas about the world do I harbor? What shapes my perspective?

Conversations about Travel and More...It's easier somehow to talk about it than to write. 

Copyright 2010, TF (teviothome@gmail.com)

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