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When you are a bit of a gypsy and not sure where the winds will blow you next, having a home in Cyberspace is a comfort. Glad you stopped by for a visit and hope you'll come by often!

Blog Archive


MORE RANDOM MEMORIES - for the autobiography one day

Maya Plisetskaya - My parents brought me to see her perform in Seattle. She did "The Dying Swan," The applause was so loud and so many curtain calls that she did it a second time! I saw that. A highlight of my life.

Mama's Tips - My mother taught me to eat hot soup from the outer edges while it cools.

Copyright 2010, TF (teviothome@gmail.com)



To suss out what is worth the time and effort, that takes some work. 

I am looking forward to chatting with Dr Teik Aun Wong - I need to figure out what to call him publicly - but always good chats whenever we connect. He has a concept: "Wondering and Wandering." Just change the vowel.

Cultural Differences: that's a topic of real interest. What makes Americans uniquely such-and-so? In what ways am I an American? What values, principles, ideas about the world do I harbor? What shapes my perspective?

Conversations about Travel and More...It's easier somehow to talk about it than to write. 

Copyright 2010, TF (teviothome@gmail.com)


GRAVE MARKERS - remembering Nantucket, Mema and Papa

I watch a lot of Asian TV shows - I'm a huge K-drama rom com fan and indulge myself in long, luxurious binges. Right now I am watching The Journalist with the wonderful "Doctor X" Ryoko Yonekura. As in so many Asian dramas, often time scenes are set in graveyards or mausoleums. The characters often talk directly to the deceased as if they were alive.

It hit me that there is nowhere on earth where I can find my immediate ancestors. In Honolulu, under gnarled trees and neighboring Kawaiahao Church built by my great-great-great grandfather and the Hawaiian Christian Community of the 19th century, there is a graveyard of missionary descendants which includes some of the earlier generations of my family, the Binghams. It costs these days too much perhaps for me to buried there, It's a cool, peaceful place and many of the markers are fading with time. I liked it there.

But I would like somewhere, somewhen, someone to mark that I once lived. Do we all just come and go?

I wish that there were a grave marker for my Daddy - Herr Doktor Professor V(W)alter A Fairservis Y(J) unior as I once saw on an envelope sent to him from Germany.  "Our Father who art upstairs" as I often thought of him while he was writing something, perhaps his next book, way up in the attic. 

I wish that I could stand in front of a grave marker for Grandmother Nana Edith Yeager, the unknown Grandfather Walter Fairservis the 1st. Some place to think about and remember Aunt Louise Yeager. I think my father told me that when our Nana was being carried down the stairs to go to the hospital, I was the last one to speak to her. When her ashes came, my father said, he went up the mountain behind our house at 234 Mountain Road and let the wind take them off around the world.

I wish that there was some place that memorialized Papa, my grandfather, Charles Moseley Sutherland. Maybe it is the statue of Duke Kawanamoku, the famous surfer, that Papa swam with when he was a young and beautiful man spending his teens with family in Hawaii when his father died.

I am glad when I think of it that there is a place for Mema, Beth Benton Sutherland. She has a rock.

When I was 17 or 18, I think, just graduated from high school with an open summer, I had a very strong internal message that it was important that I go up to Nantucket island. My sister Elf and I made our way there; stopping off first on Martha's Vineyard to visit a friend, Charlie Cooley. It was the summer that "Jaws" came out and I remember standing by the sea, terrified. For years, I was afraid of sharks.

We went on - the 3 of us - to Nantucket. Our grandparents had purchased an island vacation cottage back in the early 50's - Toad Hall, they called it. Papa who was so skilled in carpentry and art built an artful studio with a skylight above their bed. Set in a hollow below sea level, the winds passed above the cottage snapping the American flag that each morning Papa would hoist up and each evening, we would solemnly pull down and fold into a tricorn.

Charlie's family had a car on the island. It was big and plush with automatic seat adjustments and deep cushiony seats. As I remember it was maroon. On a typical gray Nantucket summer day with a light mist in the air, he came to pick us up for a ride - Mema and Papa, Elf and I, and Charlie driving. 

We drove up to 'Sconset. If I were Scots, I would probably call it "a wee hamlet." Lovely cottages there, covered in flowers. Behind the general store, there is a little path down to the beach. We parked and walked down to listen to the waves crashing.

And Mema said, "When I die, I want to die on Nantucket in the fall."

I don't know why that still echoes in my head half a century later but there it is.

And so Elf and I went home to Connecticut after about 2 weeks visiting the grandparents on Nantucket. And sure enough, the call came that Mema had had a heart attack under the skylights there in the Studio. In the fall, on Nantucket, like she wanted.

Each summer, she would wield heavy tools and cut paths through the brambles that surrounded the hollow. There is a large rock somewhere in that jungle and she would clear around it. I was told by someone that her ashes were scattered there.

There is a tree planted on the land of what was our home for 30 plus years. My sisters and mother thought that our father was like an oak - I think it is an oak. With friends gathered for a memorial about a month after he died - July 12, 1994 - we scattered ashes around that tree.

And later, my youngest sister snuck ashes in her suitcase  into Egypt. Mama and I went to the Fort at Hierakonpolis, probably the oldest brick structure in the world, perhaps it was a corral for cattle - who knows? And there where archaeologists dug up the bones of early Egyptians, we laid my father to rest, scattering handfuls of ashes in the Egyptian desert wind.

I believe in the power and rightness of cremation. When my mother was thinking about how to dress my father's body, I knew he would be best in the white galabea gown that he wore to give his last lecture. The topic: Zoroastrianism. Perhaps that religion best envisions the never-ending battle between good and evil and a benevolent power in the universe that embraces even the lost souls. Perhaps the precepts of that religion best embody all the good things about the flawed and difficult genius that was our father. 

Fire burns away all impurities and what remains - the ashes - scatter in the winds. But still I wish there were some marker, some gravestone, for the people I have loved, some place where I could go in my mind to speak with them. 

I built a little altar with a few special things I have with me, carried in the depths of a suitcase in my peripatetic life. I look at it and think, "Yes, there are people that I have loved in my life. And yes, they loved me, too."

Also sprach Zarathustra.

Copyright 2023, TF (teviothome@gmail.com)


REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST - Auntie Pearl Sutherland

Lately, little flashes appear in my brain of things past.

Today, it was of my "Auntie Pearl." My grandfather's eldest sibling, I only met her a few times. But I remember so clearly the time she visited my family when we lived in Seattle, Washington.

Our house was on a bluff overlooking a wonderful view of Lake Washington. At times, Mount Rainier would appear above clouds at one end of the lake; Mount Baker at the other. 

The house too was quite wonderful. It had a very large livingroom with big picture windows looking out at a forest, The ceiling was high and beamed with huge dark wooden beams. I remember them swaying in the great earthquake that shook the Northwest one day - but that's another story.

What I wanted to remember was about Pearl.

The house was Spanish-influenced in its design. That meant the diningroom and kitchen were both tiled. The tiles were hard. My sister ran through the house one day, tripped and fell and knocked out her front teeth on that hard floor.

And the day that Auntie Pearl came bustlling in, full of bright smiles and warm hugs, I remember. As she stepped into the kitchen, her elbow hit a large glass jar of pickles. The jar crashed to the floor spreading glass and pickle juice from one end to the other.

What I remember, what I cherish about the memory, was that Auntie Pearl, gray-haired and aging, then promptly stripped off her dress and in her slip and bra began to clean the floor.

That's who I want to be as the years begin to creep up on me. I think I knew it then and that may be why the image has stayed with me all these years. A woman who meets any challenge with a practical solution and a cheerful attitude.

Copyright 2023, TF (teviothome@gmail.com)



"THEY SAY" - whoever "they" may be - if you want to be a writer, then you need to write SOMETHING every day. Actually I heard that advice again on a YouTube video interview with Seth Godin who does indeed write every day. https://seths.blog/ One of the world's best marketing advisors, he bills himself not as a marketer but as an author. It's the freedom to write, to generate ideas and pour them forth into the world that he - and I in my much more humble way - both seem to relish.

It's been quite a long time since I posted anything here on the Blogspot but I think I will try to do more for the exercise. I have been writing posts almost every day on behalf of the Cat Beach Cats (www.instagram.com/catbeachsanctuary). For the cats, I keep trying to come to grips with the language of persuasion. Fundraising lingo - the words that touch the heart and open the purses. Cat Beach Sanctuary needs and deserves full funding. Using social media, I have hope to bring in those dollars.

In the meantime, "THEY SAY" that the best way to stay young is to continue your curiousity and your creativity even as the years pass by.

Exercise the mind even as the body ages. Obsessing about the need for funding for the cat shelter or the years ahead when I will be considered too old to work does not seem to be the best forms of exercise. They are too much like beating my head against a wall - definition of insanity. Yes, devote some time and thought to those considerations. But I think that I do not ever want to become frozen in my attitudes or perceptions. Instead, I am trying to stay open to random input.

Copyright 2023, TF (teviothome@gmail.com)


For some years now I have had a recurring thought: save the planet by using plastic.

So much plastic is in the sea now that it is predicted that within this century there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.

I read about a young guy who had figured out how to collect the micro bits of plastic. Ocean Cleanup has a floating barrier that is towed between ships to collect plastic. There are other ideas out there for how to clean the plastic from the oceans.

My idea is that the plastic collected could be shipped north or south to the Arctic or Antarctica or to places like Greenland where the glaciers are melting.

Why is the ice melting? Beyond the factors of air pollution and rising temperatures globally, there is the issue that the sun's rays are reaching earth and not getting bounced back.

Most plastic is reflective. The key to preserving ice - as shown by scientists who coated a frozen pond with glass bubbles - is to reflect the sun's rays. I am not sure from the articles why these experts on materials chose glass. Plastic could do that.

The idea originally came to me after reading concerning articles about the "ozone hole." Ozone protects the planet from the sun's rays but there are places, especially in the Antarctic, where it thins. More sun gets in, the air temperature rises, the snow and ice melts. The reflectivity of the snow and ice lessens and so more melts.

But coat the snow and ice with plastic and what would happen?

Take the plastic from all over the world's oceans. All those cargo ships out there on the sea could be enlisted to collect and move the plastic towards the poles. 

Increase the reflectivity at the poles and reduce the amount of sun's rays reaching the polar regions.

It is kind of an apocalyptic thought to imagine the polar ice coated in vast sheets of plastic. As is the idea shared by Native American elders that the planet is now being spider webbed with cement. The roads, the buildings, the parking lots and playgrounds covered in cement are sealing the planet in the oddest way. Humans in cities rarely if ever actually walk on the real ground.

So yes, there would be all kinds of engineering issues to address - and financial, political, social as well. In my own backyard, I covered plants and plant beds with plastic sheets to keep them warm on the bitter cold days. So maybe sheets of plastic are not the answer. But microplastics - those tiny bits that break up in the ocean and are killing marine life - they would have air spaces between them. That could help to balance temperatures.

I am not sure why this image keeps returning to my mind. I have no power to implement it or even much ability to share the idea. But it does offer me some hope that all the terrors of climate change and plastic pollution and so much more could be alleviated if we could do something positive about it all. 

If the planet is in trouble - which it is - then we have a responsibility to do something or at least to dream about possible solutions.

What is the Ozone Hole? The ozone hole is not technically a “hole” where no ozone is present, but is actually a region of exceptionally depleted ozone in the stratosphere over the Antarctic that happens at the beginning of Southern Hemisphere spring (August–October).Feb 14, 2566 BE
How do we collect plastics in the ocean?
Collecting plastic from the oceans

Ocean Cleanup's system consists of a large floating net-like barrier three meters deep that forms a large U shape which is slowly towed by two ships. The natural flow caused by the movement directs plastic to the central retention zone.
Oct 13, 2565 BE


CNN — The world's oceans are polluted by a “plastic smog” made up of an estimated 171 trillion plastic particles that if gathered would weigh around 2.3 million tons, according to a new study.Mar 8, 2566 BE

Copyright 2023, TF (teviothome@gmail.com)