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When you are a bit of a gypsy and not sure where the winds will blow you next, having a home in Cyberspace is a comfort. Glad you stopped by for a visit and hope you'll come by often!

Blog Archive


Langkawi Life

Thanks for stopping by! Writing a lot these days -- and realized I missed posting in February entirely!

Cats-cats-cats are dominating my life these days. I was given two kittens last June -- Pebbles and BammBamm. Since moving to Cenang beach, a stray has moved in whose name has gravitated from the simple "Gray Kitty" to "Grady." Now I'm feeding about 10 strays. And my friend who has Pebbles and BammBamm's black tuxedoed brother, Lucky, has left him with me while she's away. So that's 4 indoor cats and at least 8 outdoors cats. And me -- trying to keep the peace...

Will be uploading my "Langkawi Life" essays soon but in the meantime, go straight to the Langkawi Gazette to read the monthly column which started in Sept 2011:


See also my guest blogs on www.paulpenders.com -- the natural cosmetics company

Am also writing Lesson Plans for an ESP (English for Special Purposes) course for Ally Int'l in Brazil, continuing to work on two e-books due to be done asap, and the ongoing project of a biography of my amazing father, Dr. Walter A. Fairservis, Jr. (see the Facebook memorial page about him).

More soon. I promise!

Copyright 2012, TF (teviothome@gmail.com)

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